Monday, May 15, 2006


Yesterday I decided to walk down to the river. It's the first time in the six months I have been in Michigan I've seen the water so calm. It was like a mirror, reflecting the trees along the bank, the clouds over head and the birds flying over it.

It was so beautiful and so peaceful. I sat on the bank reflecting on life, the rough times I've experienced in the last few months and the blessings. It's important to remember the blessings amid the hard times.

I sat there watching these little birds dive down and sweep across the water. I am not sure what exactly they were doing, but it was fascinating to watch. What made it even more interesting to watch was the glassiness of the waters reflection. At times I wondered if they were swooping down because they could see their reflection and thought it was another bird.

I found myself losing track of time, sitting there by the water. Caught up in the beauty of the trees, the stillness of the water, the clouds slowly passing by, both reflecting in the mirrored lake.

I couldn't help but be amazed at the beauty of God's creation. What must the Garden of Eden been like? I see so much beauty around us now, in the imperfect world we now live in, what must Eden have been like? Before sin entered in, before the changes brought on because of Adam and Eve's disobedience?

What must heaven look like? I don't think it is even possible for our human minds to be able to come close, even in imagination, to remotely picture how beautiful it must be there. Something to think about...

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