I started reading a book I bought at church Sunday by Rob Bell. It's called simply Sex. God. I read THIS sentence and had to write about it.
"How you treat the creation reflects how you feel about the Creator."
If you really think about this the next time you get angry or judge someone it will make it a lot harder to justify those feelings. I remember reading a scripture that says basically the same thing...you know...the one where Jesus said, "if you do it unto the least of these my children you do it unto me". I don't think Jesus was just talking about "good deeds" only.
How we treat others is in all actuality how we are treating Jesus and our God. Since we are ALL created in His image. So to judge someone unworthy to hear the gospel, or to be rude or hateful to another human being shows contempt for our Lord.
I think that is why the bible is so full of commands that involve loving others.
I have to confess I am guilty of not always treating others as if they are children of God, nor taking into account when I have been angry that every ungodly or unloving thing I say offends and breaks the heart of God above anyone else.
If we could, especially those of us who are claiming the name of Christ get this one fact ingrained within our hearts and mind to the point of changing how we treat others ALL the time the light of Christ would begin to shine so brightly it would blow those who are searching, and those who are not believers away.
Think about it...pray about it and then go out and DO IT!.