With all the rhetoric being thrown around in the political arena lately, my mind keeps going to a movie I saw awhile back called, Judgement, with Corbin Bernsen.
All through the movie the Christians are labeled as "haters" by the government. Throughout the movie those who have not accepted the mark are considered terrorists and hate mongers. Sound the least bit familiar?
(Note to anyone who reads this - NO I am NOT calling President Obama the Anti-Christ. Just making a correlation on the similarities of governments trying to silence and twist the truth around against those who do not agree with them.)
Already the current politicians in power and main stream media are calling anyone who is against their policies or their ideals, hate mongers and racists (which is funny since there are a whole lot of different races involved in the Tea party movement as well as the 9/12 Project. Anyone who questions what the Obama administration says, anyone who is seeking the truth, recognizing what their true agenda is are being called terrorists.
Granted there are some nut jobs out their who think the only way to defend or stand up for their rights as Americans is by using violence, however the majority of American are good people, who desire only to keep America a free democratic society, where each person can make a better life for themselves with hard work. Not a country in which the government is so big and has so much control we no longer have the freedoms previous generations so selflessly fought for. Or a government who takes from those who have and have worked hard to get it and give it to those who don't.
When those who are elected to run this country decide they are the ultimate authority above the citizens who elected them, there is a problem. The majority of American people were and still are against the Health Care bill that has been forced upon us. Those in power right now don't care! They have decided they know what is best and are making decision based on what their ultimate agenda. Their answer to this charge is to say - it's not the majority of Americans who do not want this Bill - but simply a small group of people who are nothing but a bunch of racist, and haters who are against "social justice". Which is has become just another way of saying socialism.
They have begun their campaign to instill fear in the minority of people who have been blinded by their pretty speeches and reinvented rhetoric. The sad thing is there are way to many Americans who do not even know what our Constitution says. The history books have been rewritten over the years, and the ultimate goal of our Founding Father's has been replaced with a twisted version.
I love Glenn Beck and have become a daily watcher of his program. He knows what he is talking about, which is why he and others, like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh have been deemed dangerous by those progressive liberals who don't want their agenda exposed. They are constantly being attacked in the media and by the current administration. The truly sad thing is, there are too many people who have never actually listened to Beck, or O'Reilly but have chosen just to accept what someone has told them believing the lies and propaganda.Thereby keeping themselves from really knowing the truth.
I guess because I have always been the type of person who refused to believe something just because someone tells me it's true, I do not understand the mentality of those who just sit back and believe what is said, not taking the initiative to investigate.
I have spent a lot of time actually listening to the men I listed above, and have never heard any of them say or do the things main stream media or the Obama administration tell of. Now there are a lot things they have said that are quite regularly taken completely out of context, or tweaked to appear something other than was truly said or meant.
My point in all this? Wake up people, stop behaving like sheep going to the slaughter. The bible says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 Knowledge means you listen carefully to what is said, go back and revisit what was said in the past and compare it to what is being said now. Pay attention to not only the words of people but the actions.
The bible even tells us people are not always as they appear to be, and we are to be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing. "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them." Matthew 7:15-16
Look back at the history, the true history of this country! What our Founding Fathers were all about, what they wanted for this nation. Go back and listen to those who in the past have spoken about socialist ideas and wanting to take this great country of ours apart...you will find a lot of the same agendas and verbiage being used today, only this time they are being considerably more subtle about it, at least at this point. More and more though if you are really paying attention they are coming out into the open, showing us what their true intentions are by their choices.
The battle has just begun. Health Care was rammed down our throats, but that is just one of many battles yet to come. Wake up American show your love and respect for this country. Don't fall victim to the lies and propaganda being spread. And for God's sake...don't allow them to push you into being what they are already saying you are...haters, racists and terrorist. Be better than them, show them what it means to be a true American, someone with integrity, honesty, hope and charity.
Martin Luther King he did it peacefully with words and prayer. Standing up for the truth, that all men are created equally and endowed with unalienable rights by our Creator. Pursue the truth, pay attention, and stand up for what is right, not according to what those in power are trying to tell you is right, but what is truly right.