As I watch what is going on in the middle east I cannot help but be perplexed as to how anyone could say Israel is in the wrong here. Everyone seems to be forgetting who started this conflict....
The terrorist group Hezbollah attacked first, taking Israeli soldiers captive and firing missiles into Haifa. They attacked FIRST! This group is also known to use civilian people as human Shields, hiding in Mosque, hospitals and residential areas. Being so filled with hate of other races, they see the sacrifice of innocent people as nothing but a means to continue their terror.
Knowing how the world views the loss of life, especially when it is children, what better way to reign terror on others and then twist it around to make a nation defending itself look like they are the terrorists. The truly sad thing in all of this is their propaganda and strategy seems to be working.
Israel warned those living in the areas which were going to be targeted to leave. They did what they could to allow civilians to get out before they went in. Those who are in the areas being hit are there because they have chosen to be.
"The ongoing escalation in Israel/Lebanon brings to mind Golda Meier's statement that the animosity will end only when, "....The Arabs love their children more than they hate ours." Children and other innocent civilians in Lebanon are being used, once again, as human shields as Islam does not love life; it celebrates death." (Taken from an article from Olive Tree Ministries.)I couldn't have made the point better. What is going on is horrible yet at the same time it is, I believe more Bible prophecy coming to pass..
What we are seeing is further fulfillment of Zechariah 12 - 14 where all nations turn on Israel (and all are injured), for many in the world are now beginning to hate Israel more than Hezbollah, which is a sister organization to al-Qaida. Israel is doing some of the Western world's dirty work in the war against Islamo-fascism and at the same time, being condemned for it.
The other day I picked up the Bible and happened to turn to the book of Joel. When I read this verse I could not help but feel as if I was reading exactly what is happening today...what caught my attention incredibly this was just after the attack began in Tyre.
(4) "Indeed, what have you to do with Me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the coasts of Philistia? Will you retaliate against Me? But if you retaliate against Me, Swiftly and speedily I will return your retaliation upon your own head; Joel 3:4.
It seems pretty clear the Lord is protecting Israel. Just look at the difference in casualties..with all themissiless the terrorists have fired into Israel there have been miraculously few deaths, compared to the human losses in Lebanon.
These terrorists are filled with hate, wanting everyone who is not willing to submit to their reign or their "beliefs" to die. People seem to forget the whole idea of this group is to wipe out all "infidels", believing they will achieve paradise and reward for every one they murder. What kind of a god is their god who says if you murder others you will make it to paradise?
What blows me away is this turn of the tide, which is now trying to say Israel is wrong and are "war criminals". Would not those who deliberately put their own people in harms way, using them asShieldss against their terror activities not be the criminals? Are not those who deliberately place children, women and the elderly between them and their enemies in all actuality cowards?
Are not the leaders of these terrorist groups, nothing more than heartless, evil men, strategically placing their soldiers in the middle of innocent people simply to create sympathy and approval for their war?
It is not Israel who is to blame for this conflict, nor is it Israel who is to blame for the loss of the women and children. The blame and the responsibility for these civilian deaths rest squarely on the heads of Hezbollah as well as those political parties who are not only encouraging their activities but supplying them with the weapons.
If Israel agreed to a cease fire, it is a pretty safe bet it would not be long before her enemies would break it. How do you sit down and try to reach an agreement with a group who will stop at nothing to advance their cause? What in the world makes anyone believeHezbollahh would keep any promises they might make? You cannot reason with people who are so filled with hate, they can see nothing but their murder anyone who does not agree or submit to them!
So Israel should agree to a cease fire why???? Until these armed and deadly terrorist groups are destroyed, there will never be any true or lasting peace for anyone, especially Israel. She has many enemies and this battle has been going on since the days of Abraham... and as hard as others have tried to wipe this nation out of existence.
One thing to keep in mind is the Bible promises that who ever blesses Israel will be blessed and who ever curses her will be cursed...
Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
A good thing for America to keep in mind when deciding which side to stand on.