Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Parental Selfishness at It's Worst!

When they first took Kellen away we believed he would be cared for, that the confusion he must have felt would be relieved over time. However, now we find out his mom is living in a Shelter, she cannot keep him at night time so he is being shuffled from her to his birth dad at night, who has told "mom" the situation is not working out because of his job.

Kellen was sick the day they took him and they still have not taken him to the doctor! "Dad' refuses to sign release papers so "mom" can do the right thing and allow him to return to his mommy and daddy. The guy did not show up for the hearing that was scheduled, and the Judge who in the past kept giving this guy chance after chance, has once again rescheduled another hearing.

Apparently just having positive DNA results does not mean parental rights are automatically given. If this guy wants Kellen he has to seek custody from his mom. Yet he did not show up in court.

So now our beautiful boy is stuck in a situation that is not healthy and is most likely causing him even more confusion and stress. Totally not fair for a five month old baby to have to deal with, especially after having spent those first five months in a stable, safe and loving home!

I understand a parent wanting to keep their child, but I do not understand being so incredibly selfish as to want to keep a child when you cannot care for that child. To take him away from a family who can and will for the rest of his life provide the things he needs, especially the love and stability of a real home.

Supposedly "mom" always wanted to follow through with the adoption because she knew she could not care for him, yet his birth dad, who is not even in a relationship with "mom" refuses to allow that to happen! I don't know if it is pride or just arrogance that is keeping this man from allowing his son to have a good and safe life, but I can say for sure it is pure selfishness!

To not put the welfare of a child ahead of what you want is not what being a parent is about. If you truly love your child you want the best possible life for that child. To deny any child that is not love!

I don't know why God allowed or is allowing this to happen. We have been praying for Kellen that God would keep him safe and loved, we were beginning to accept his loss...and now...the roller coaster ride is not over but has been restarted! Knowing our beautiful boy is not really safe, knowing he is not in a stable loving home not only hurts...but scares the hell out of us! And unfortunately Sarah and Matt can do nothing about it at this point!

It is too hard to hope this will lead to Kellen being returned to Sarah and Matt and our family. For the last few weeks I have denied myself to even hope somehow Kellen would come home! Telling myself each time that thought would pop up, "No, do not even think that way, it will never happen and to hope it will is just false hope." When I got the call yesterday from Matt telling me what his going on, there was a glimmer of hope, yet logically my head is telling me again.. "NO, do not allow that idea to get in, because should it not happen, that grieving process with just start all over again". Only this time, knowing Kellen is not being properly taken care of makes it even worse.

There is another hearing scheduled for May 17th. Only God knows what is going to happen. For now all we can do is try to just keep moving forward, praying for Kellen to be OK and hoping that at least my little Kissy Face will not be harmed emotionally or even physically because of the selfishness of his biological father's choices.

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