Friday, May 21, 2010

Wonder of Wonders-Miracle of Miracles!

Kellen is back home with his mommy and daddy! The Lord just did such an amazing miracle and I feel like Peter must have felt when he denied Christ three times! 

We were all so crushed when they took Kellen away, and very afraid to even consider there would be a chance we would get him back again. A few weeks later when the kids called me and said there might a slight chance they would get him back, (see previous post) I would not even allow myself to believe it would happen. 

For a couple weeks that thought was always in my mind, but because I had put so much faith in his not leaving to begin with I would not allow myself to even consider it a real possibility. I knew God could do anything, but my heart would not allow me to open up to THIS happening. Even when I would get that still small voice telling me Kellen will come home, I refused to listen, telling myself it won't happen. 

A lot of whether or not he came home was going to be contingent on if his birth dad showed up to the hearing and the judge's decision. Or if he didn't show up, would the judge once again give him yet another chance. 

I had stopped praying specifically and have just been praying for the Lord to keep Kellen safe, loved and taken care of, and for God's will to be done whatever that might be. 

Sarah called me that Monday, May 17th to let me know the hearing was at 11 a.m. and the lawyer was going to call them after it was over and let them know what happened. That day was incredibly restless for all of us, just waiting, yet again. 

When I got the call from Sarah telling me they were getting Kellen back I was in disbelief. The dad did NOT show up at the hearing so the judged dismissed the case! At that point they did not know when exactly they would be getting him back or how it was going to work. Later that day Sarah called to let me know Kellen would be coming home to them that night! 

Even then as much as I wanted to be excited, I knew until he was in their arms I was not going to relax. They needed me to come up to Indianapolis because neither of them could take anymore time off from work, having used it all up when they first got Kellen. And they no longer had Day Care lined up.

Kellen's other Grandma came by picked me up and Kellen's two grandmas headed up to see our little miracle grandson once again! I am totally blessed to be able to spend some time here watching my little Kissy Face boy so he can transition to being back home.

He has gotten so tall in the five weeks he's been away from us, and reached some of his six month milestones, things like being able to get his foot into his mouth :-)

Just as Peter must have felt when that rooster crowed for the third time, I felt Tuesday when I held Kellen after five long weeks of his being away from us. I felt shame for denying Christ by allowing circumstances dictate my faith. For not taking God at His word when he told me from the start this child was created and ordained to be my Grandson.

In the months leading up to April 8th I stood firm in believing Kellen was  created  by God to be a part of this family. And in retrospect, there were times I think the Holy Spirit was telling me that Kellen would be leaving for a time, but I did not recognize that as being from the Lord. Instead I just ignored it and did not allow myself to consider any possibility it could be anything other than my own doubt. 

So when that DNA test came back and the next day they took Kellen away from us I was confused, and even felt a little bit betrayed.  (see previous posts). 

During the little over five weeks Kellen was gone, I again believe I was hearing that "still small voice" again telling me Kellen WOULD be coming back to us. Honestly I think I knew it was the Lord but because it hurt so much to lose Kellen the first time, fear kept me from even wanting to believe it. None of us wanted to experience that horrible pain again! So every time I had that thought Kellen will return, I rejected it. 

I am so very thankful our Lord is so full of mercy and grace towards us, even when we waiver or deny him for a time. His will is His will and His plans are His plans...nothing will stop them..because after all...He is God! 

I will blog more about this later on but because I have the privilege and the blessing of getting up in the mornings to take care of our little miracle boy for a few days, it's not so easy to stay up too late :-) 

Thank you Lord for showing your mighty power through all this! I know it has touched more lives than we even can imagine. Glory be to God for He IS worthy!

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