Monday, June 12, 2006

Nature Speaks

So far today I have seen a cute little bunny, numerous birds and butterflies just simply by looking out the back door.

Everytime I see the wonderous signs of nature I can't help but wonder how anyone in their right mind can believe there is no God.

Everything in nature cries in acknowledgment of the existance of a creator. A creative designer to all the beauty we see in nature. How can anyone honestly believe all this was merely and "accident"??

It takes more faith to believe the universe and everything magical in it was not formed by some kind of design than it does to believe their is a creator who loved us enough to surround us with such beauty and wonder. And if He loves us enough to give us such awesome things, it would stand to reason He desires a personal relationship with his workmanship.

And it takes no more faith to believe if He can create all this, He can do anything! If anything I am going through seems to tough for God to handle all I need do is look around and see all the miracles we so easily take for granted. Whatever is going on in my life that needs repair is nothing He cannot fix. The key is to be willing to let Him fix it. To be willing to call on Him and to listen to what He has to say.

He gave us His word to guide us, to encourage and teach us. He gave us His Son to die for our sins so we might have life and have it more abundantly and He offers us eternity with Him. He gave us his Holy Spirit to give us strength to overcome and to understand what He desires of us, His creation.

All He asks is that we accept His love, His plan for redemption, and His desire to be the Lord of our lives. He offers us life, and it is up to each individual person to make the choice to accept it or reject it.

He does not promise us we will have a trouble free life, or every material thing we desire, what He does promise us is He will never leave us nor forsake us. That if we accept the free gift Jesus gives us through His scarifice we will one day leave this earth and spend forever with Him. No more tears, no more pain or struggle, or loss. He promises us heaven!

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:3-5

Now that is a promise I can hang on to!! And you should to...if you do not know Jesus Christ think about getting to know him...because No Jesus No Peace....Know Jesus Know Peace!!! And it is a peace inside that nothing can take away from you no matter what is going on around you!!

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