Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Love the Fall

I love this time of year. The trees are all changing colors and all the various colors are just amazing to me. I walk up town at least once a week, and from week to week the changes are obvious.

Now we have the possibility of snow over the next couple of days and I can't wait. It is going to look amazing with the golds, reds, oranges, greens, and browns of the trees with a back drop of snow. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to live anywhere that does not have lots and lots of trees. Fall is so beautiful.

The good Lord has so blessed us with such beauty if we only would choose to look around and appreciate it. I can see why that old saying, "stop and smell the roses" is so applicable for this day and age. Not enough people stop to really appreciate and acknowledge that God's love is shown all around us by the beauty He has given us to enjoy.

Next time you are feeling down or going through a trial...take a minute to look around you and really see the love of God in His creation and know He not only loves you enough to send His Son to pay the cost of our sinfulness...but enough to create such wonder and beauty for us to enjoy.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love you!