Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Who Needs Jesus?

Who needs Jesus? We all do. It is only through Him do any of us have the promise and hope of eternity in heaven and not hell. Jesus himself said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, NO man comes to the Father but through ME."

Why must a person accept Jesus in order to be assured of heaven? Because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". No one can ever be good enough to earn heaven. It's not possible for us to do enough "good deeds" to pay for our sinfulness.

God is a Holy God. He is also a just God. Justice is an important thing not only in this world but in the world to come. Breaking the law requires penalties and consequences. If you were to break the law say, for stealing, and were arrested you would stand before a judge, who would decide what punishment would be just for that transgression.

Believing you are a "good person" will not save you. No one is good when their life is held up to God's standard of goodness--which would be perfection.

Have you ever lied? Then what would that make you? Be honest...and no the answer is not human...What would you call someone else who lied to you? A liar of course.

Have you ever stolen anything? Taken even something small that did not belong to you? Like a pen or some other inconsequential object from work? What would that make you? A thief!

Have you ever looked at another person with lust? Jesus said if a man even looks at a woman with lust he has committed adultery in his heart... So that would make you an adulterer.

You see? There is no one who can say they have never ever told a lie, if you say that then you definitely are lying.
There is no one who can say, that even as a child they have taken nothing that didn't belong to them.
And we all know in today's world it would be almost impossible to say a person has never looked at another person without lusting ... Another word would be desiring to be with that person in a sexual way. Same thing...In case you thought you could bypass that one on a technicality!

So by God's law just those three would make a person a liar, thief and adulterer...Which is why we need Jesus. God's law is just, and those who break His laws will stand before Him someday in judgment.

Just as man's law requires punishment or atonement for breaking the law (sin=breaking God's laws), so does God demand atonement for transgressions of His law. The 10 Commandments (God's Laws to us) are impossible for us to keep. The Bible says if we break one we are guilty of breaking them all. The punishment for sin is death..."For the wages of sin is death". Jesus paid that debt for us...All of us. But if we don't accept His gift for us, it does us no good.

Jesus willingly went to the cross to become the sacrifice to pay the penalty for all of our sins. He willingly suffered brutal beatings, and crucifixion because He loves us so much He wants us to be able to spend eternity with Him. He wants to give us the forgiveness and mercy freely...it's a free gift to us that cost Him a lot.

Because it is a gift, all we need do is accept it. God is not willing that anyone should perishes. He made a way that each person has the choice to accept the gift His son Jesus gives to us. It is a choice each one has to make on their own. God doesn't WANT to send anyone to hell, and actually He does not send anyone, if you reject His saving grace you CHOOSE to go there.

It's like someone giving you a check for $1000,000.00 if you never cash it, you might as well not have the money and it does you no good. Unless you make the choice to freely accept it, it's worthless.

You can never be good enough, or do enough good to merit heaven. You cannot earn your way or talk your way into heaven. Yes God loves YOU so very much, and He is a God of Love...but like I said He is also a God of Justice.

A Holy God who requires holiness to see Him...and we receive that Holiness and righteousness when we admit we are sinners, repent and turn to Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins (wrongs). Without that repentance and acceptance of Jesus, the only alternative is to be forever separated from your creator...and eternity out of the presence of God truly will be hell.

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